Do you clear your home and healing space with incense? Since everything is made up of energy, we do not only need to balance our own energy but clear the space in our home, office or healing space. After cleaning your home, it is very beneficial to use incense to cleanse your space. When you move into a new house or apartment, you should smudge your entire space, followed by a house blessing. If you are unable to use incense, you can also cleanse your space with vibrational healing such as Reiki or Sound Vibrations.
“Smudging” is the common name given to the “Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing,” a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American Tradition. Using this ritual, you can cleanse yourself, another person, place or an object of negative energies. The theory behind smudging is that smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy away. The energy can be transmuted back to source and transformed into the light.
Sage is also very effective when you’re feeling out of balance, stressed or depressed. It will clear away all negative energies away from the physical body. It is also very beneficial to smudge yourself, the space and participants before a ritual or ceremony. You can smudge your own Auric Field, the spaces in your home or work area. Crystals are wonderful to smudge as they act like sponges drawing out all the energies we would like to release. Energy inprints can be left on the crystal.
Sage is a very potent, yet effective herb for smudging. Cedar is another herb that is a powerful purifier. In ancient times, Cedar was burnt while praying to the Great Spirit, in meditation and also to bless a home. It works as both a purifier and attracts good influences.
Symbols of the Smudge Kit
Each part represents a different element and becomes transmuted into the Ethers (which represents all the elements.
Water – represented by the shell used to burn the herb.
Earth – unlit herbs.
Fire – lit herb.
Air – the smoke.
The process can be completed by burning sweetgrass. It is used as a blessing to create warmth and loving energies into your home or space. Sweetgrass is burnt after releasing unwanted or negative energy to welcome in good influences and blessings.
It is an added bonus, to use Tingsha bells or Crystal Singing Bowls to seal the wonderful energy into your space.
Many blessings on clearing energies and embracing the new!

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