“Sue Marcus has presented numerous workshops at my Reiki space, including the Quantum Vortex Meditation, Visions Boards and Crystal Healing workshops. Her workshops are uplifting and informative. She has also joined me in offering special Reiki/Crystal healing sessions to clients. She is a very experienced, professional, compassionate and spiritual Practitioner, who enjoys being in service to others and helping people find healing and inner peace.” – Sheryl B.
Lavender Lady Workshop Offerings:
- Crystal Healing Workshop
- I AM Presence Meditation
- Meditation Series
- Sound Healing Workshop
Upcoming Workshops/Events
Crystal Healing Workshop
Level One
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Cost: $30.00
Location: Reiki for Your Life
Farmingdale, New York
To register, contact Sue Marcus – spiritualseeker8@yahoo.com.
Are you drawn to crystals?
Would you like to learn how to heal yourself at a deep, cellular level?
Crystals are Magical.
Crystals energize us.
Crystals have amazing healing properties.
Crystals balance the chakras.
Crystals raise our frequencies.
Crystals empower our goals.
Crystals aid in our ascension path and spiritual growth!
Come and discover the magical properties of crystals and how this extraordinary healing tool can transform your life! Crystals resonate at very high frequencies and can have a profound effect on our chakras.
In this online class, you will learn:
- What is Vibrational Medicine?
- The Human Chakra Energy System
- Crystal Singing Bowls
- What Crystals Have come to Teach Us
- Properties of Crystals
- Hands-On Crystal Healing Mini-Sessions
- Cleansing your Auric Field with Selenite
Vision Board/ Manifestation Workshop
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 P.M.
Cost: $35.00
The Lavender Lady Sanctuary
Massapequa, New York
Materials will be supplied:
Oak Tag/Poster Board
Magazines, Photos, Images, Words/Text to inspire your vision.
Glue Stick or Tape:
Are you ready to manifest your dreams into your physical reality? The New Year is ripe with potent, vibrant energy. We start with a new, energizing palette to paint and create our extraordinary dream life. Tap into the creative fuel that is within your own being and ignite your passion. Creative Visualization teaches us how to visualize and imagine our manifestations before they are created on the Physical Plane on Earth.
A Vision Board is a pictorial representation of your ideal, dream life. You will place pictures, images, words and phrases that symbolize your manifestations. A guided meditation will be included where you can tap into your Creative Self and receive guidance on your vision. Learn about Rituals of Manifestation that can guide you on your path!
- Setting Goals/Intentions in building your Vision. What do you want to create? THINK BIG AND EXPAND YOUR AMAZING VISION.
- A Guided Meditation to tap into your inner Creative Self,
- Brainstorming with other like-minded people.
- How Creative Visualization can aid you with manifestation,
- The Law of Attraction and spiritual laws of manifestation.
- Rituals of Manifestation
I AM Presence Meditation
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024
Time: 12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.
Cost: $10.00
Location: Online (Zoom)
Come and discover the joy of connecting with your own “I AM Presence.” The I AM Presence is one’s individualized God/Goddess Self that is always guiding us on our path. It is our direct connection to our Divine Source and can help us manifest whatever we desire!
With so much transpiring in our outer world, we are called to make a deep connection to our “I AM Presence” and Higher Self. The energies surrounding us are rising and much karma is being released. The time is NOW to be fully awakened to a new reality being created. The Group Mind can have a powerful effect on our intentions.
THE TIME IS NOW TO CALL OUR I AM PRESENCE INTO ACTION. Join us on Zoom for a beautiful guided meditation. To register click on “Add to Cart.” After payment is submitted, you will receive a link to Zoom.